Bishop’s Ministry Appeal ~ Solicitud Minesterial del Obispo 2024

Diocesan Goal: $2,600,000

It is because of bene­fac­tors like you, through the Bishop’s Min­istry Appeal, that we are able to con­tinue the min­istries of the Dio­cese in edu­cat­ing and form­ing our chil­dren in the faith, car­ing for the needs of the poor, devel­op­ing His­panic lead­ers, edu­cat­ing our sem­i­nar­i­ans, pro­mot­ing youth and young adult min­istries, train­ing dea­cons, sup­port­ing the Bishop in car­ry­ing out his duties, and all other min­istry and good works sup­ported by the Bishop’s Min­istry Appeal. Thank you for sup­port­ing the Dio­cese of Stock­ton and its min­istries. 

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 Help us reach our goal of $93,849 by making a donation today!

Today's total one-time gifts and pledge payments: $51,150.

¡Ayúdanos a alcanzar nuestra meta de $93,849 haciendo una donación hoy!

Hasta hoy, el total de donaciones y pagos: $51,150.

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Bishop Cotta BMA Message

Mensaje del Obispo Cotta

2024 BMA Brochure

Folleto Informativo del BMA 2024